Libraries to loan walking poles

walking poles
Photo: Dominic Wunderlich/Pixabay

The next time you pop into a library in Westmeath, Ireland, as well as that latest novel you’ve had your eyes on, you could also check out some walking poles.

Westmeath Libraries have teamed up with Westmeath Sports Partnership to encourage the community to get walking and stay active. Activator poles have been added to the ‘Library of Things’ that members can now borrow – as long as they are over 18. Library membership is free.

Activator poles were designed by Canadian therapists to help people with stability concerns and/or mobility issues. The poles were introduced to Ireland by FitWALKireland as part of a campaign to promote fitness walking.

Activator poles are designed to be used in a forward position, unlike Nordic poles which are used to propel the walker forward.

A growing body of research suggests that regular use of walking poles can enhance self-esteem and overall sense of well-being, as well as improving posture and stability.

Poles also reduce joint impact while developing a range of motions in the shoulders and spine that increases muscle strength in the upper body. The use of poles also burns more calories.

Westmeath Libraries’ website also includes tips on polewalking, such as highlighting the difference between Nordic poles and activator poles, how to properly set the height of poles, and the best techniques for using them.

The initiative is facilitated by Westmeath Sports Partnership and Westmeath Libraries, with funding provided by Healthy Westmeath.