Home Trails Free accommodation for (some) hikers in Sardinia

Free accommodation for (some) hikers in Sardinia

Buggerru Sardinia Italy
Buggerru, Sardinia. Photo: Antonella Deschino/Pixabay

Hikers looking to explore the beautiful Italian island of Sardinia have been given one more reason to go there – free accommodation.

However, as with most things in life, there are conditions attached to the Leg’s Go in Cammino promotion.

The free accommodation offer only applies to those under 35, and the vouchers cannot be used in the summer, when the island is already busy with tourists. The offer kicks off again on September 15th, and runs until December 15th. It also only covers three nights, subject to certain conditions.

The offer is also specific to certain accommodation along the Cammino Minerario di Santa Barbara (CMSB) trail, which starts in Iglesias. The beginning of the trail can be reached by public transport in about an hour from Cagliari Elmas Airport.

There are 30 stages suggested on the CMSB website, ranging from easy (six stages) through to hard (14 stages). Some of the segments have different options, meaning that some hard days could be swapped out for an easier leg.

The informative website includes maps, height maps, downloadable GPX files, and details about each stage, including helpful – maybe even essential – tips on places, such as those that are off limits for safety reasons. The first stage, for example, is 21km (13.1 miles), and takes seven hours. It features 753m of climbing.

An example of a tough stage is number 13, from Su Mannau to San Benedetto, a 14.5km trip (9.1 miles) that should take five hours, and includes mostly climbing, 687m of it. That’s 2,250 feet, so about half a Ben Nevis. On the bright side, it’s followed by a couple of easier stages, and the scenery is spectacular. However, there are a couple of back-to-back hard stages in the tour.

While the entire trip isn’t covered financially, anyone under 35 thinking of tackling the trail could certainly save a little money by having a portion of the accommodation paid for.


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