Is Wales about to get its fourth national park, and the first in the country in 70 years?
According to Natural Resources Wales (NRW), the Welsh Government has commissioned NRW to evaluate the case for a new National Park in North East Wales based on the existing Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
NRW said it has established a team that will gather data and evidence, and engagement with local communities and other stakeholders.
Project manager Ash Pearce said: “NRW is the Designating Authority in Wales and must be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to designate a new National Park.”
Pearce said with Welsh Government funding, a strong team and new technology, the aim is to complete the process by 2026.
“The timeline is challenging, but we are also not prepared to compromise on providing robust evidence. There will be stakeholder engagement and a public consultation to ensure that we get the best result for the people of Wales,” Pearce said.
“Once this is done, and if the evidence supports a designation, then a Designation Order will be submitted to the Welsh Government. Ministers will need to consider this and decide whether to confirm, refuse or vary the Order. If it’s confirmed in 2026, the Welsh Government will then establish Wales’ fourth National Park and the first in Wales for nearly 70 years!”